@slimboyfat: All the countries that so-called did really well have these 3 things in common:
- They are remote countries that see fewer International travelers, Taiwan has sanctions imposed upon it from the mainland, you can't travel there without China and China doesn't let just anyone go there.
- Most of those countries are communist or extremely liberal (eg. New Zealand) and have imposed very strict restrictions upon its population before (guns, travel, taxes) and their population is used to heavy government regulation. Not only would no free country go along with these sorts of restrictions, they already have the deaths, low economic output and other issues associated with such regimes. Yes, even New Zealand.
You ask: What is wrong with our leaders that they can’t manage to do this? - I ask, what is wrong that their population allows their leaders to test, track and trace anyone against their will. Not only that, but as we see from Europe, if your population isn't hit yet, it will eventually get hit, but now with a stronger, mutated virus, there will be no immunity if everyone remains isolated across the globe. You can off course always put everyone in a sterile bubble at gunpoint, but that doesn't improve the economy.
The reality is that if you're younger than 40, this is less deadly than the flu, if you're between 40 and 65, it's as deadly as the flu, if you're older than 65, pretty much anything, including the flu has a better chance to end up killing you. Now we don't stop surgeries on people older than 65, we don't lock down or mask up every flu season. It burned through NY and many no-lockdown US states and Italy and Sweden, they don't see any resurgence in death. Belgium locked down fast and early, they've been having the top COVID deaths in the world (per capita).